Die auf den Produktseiten genannten Preise enthalten die gesetzliche Mehrwertsteuer und sonstige Preisbestandteile.
Falls nicht anders auf der Produktseite angegeben betragen die Lieferzeiten innerhalb von Deutschland:
24-48 Stunden
The prices stated on the product pages include VAT and other price components.
Delivery Time
Unless otherwise specified on the product page, delivery times within Germany are:
24-48 hours
Delivery Times
Country |
Shipping |
Andorra |
8 - 11 business days |
Albania |
9 - 13 business days |
Austria |
6 - 9 business days |
Aland |
10 - 15 business days |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
15 - 25 business days |
Belgium |
4 - 7 business days |
Bulgaria |
8 - 11 business days |
Switzerland |
8 - 12 business days |
Czech Republic |
2 - 5 business days |
Germany |
4 - 7 business days |
Denmark |
6 - 9 business days |
Estonia |
9 - 12 business days |
Spain |
8 - 12 business days |
Finland |
9 - 13 business days |
Faroe Islands |
9 - 13 business days |
France |
6 - 9 business days |
United Kingdom |
3 - 6 business days |
Guernsey |
9 - 13 business days |
Gibraltar |
8 - 12 business days |
Greece |
9 - 13 business days |
Croatia |
9 - 12 business days |
Hungary |
2 - 4 business days |
Ireland |
2 - 4 business days |
Isle of Man |
10 - 15 business days |
Iceland |
8 - 11 business days |
Italy |
6 - 9 business days |
Jersey |
9 - 13 business days |
Liechtenstein |
9 - 12 business days |
Lithuania |
9 - 12 business days |
Luxembourg |
6 - 9 business days |
Latvia |
9 - 12 business days |
Monaco |
15 - 25 business days |
Moldova |
15 - 25 business days |
Montenegro |
15 - 25 business days |
North Macedonia |
9 - 13 business days |
Netherlands |
5 - 8 business days |
Poland |
4 - 7 business days |
Portugal |
2 - 4 business days |
Romania |
10 - 15 business days |
Serbia |
8 - 12 business days |
Sweden |
6 - 10 business days |
Slovenia |
6 - 9 business days |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen |
15 - 25 business days |
Slovakia |
4 - 7 business days |
San Marino |
15 - 25 business days |
Ukraine |
10 - 20 business days |
Vatican City |
9 - 13 business days |